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History of SuperMario videogame

Super Mario The Super Mario series of video games was created by Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto and first appeared in 1985 with the release of the original Super Mario Bros. game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console.

The game was a huge success, selling over 40 million copies worldwide and popularizing the side-scrolling platformer genre. It also introduced many of the series' core gameplay mechanics, such as jumping on enemies to defeat them, collecting power-ups, and navigating through levels with hidden secrets.

Over the years, the Super Mario series has continued to evolve and innovate with each new game release. Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988) introduced new playable characters with unique abilities, while Super Mario Bros. 3 (1990) expanded on the formula with a world map and a variety of power-ups.

Super Mario World (1990) was released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and featured a larger world with new enemies and power-ups, as well as the introduction of Yoshi, a dinosaur sidekick that Mario could ride.

The series has also branched out into various spin-offs and sub-series, such as the Mario Kart racing games, the Mario Party mini-game collections, and the Paper Mario RPG series.

In recent years, the Super Mario series has continued to innovate with games such as Super Mario Galaxy (2007), which featured gravity-defying platforming, and Super Mario Odyssey (2017), which introduced a new open-world style of gameplay.

Overall, the Super Mario series has had a profound impact on the video game industry and remains one of the most iconic and beloved franchises of all time.

Decades later, and Super Mario Bros. holds up as well today. In fact, Gamers are still discovering its secrets, and thanks to plenty of ports, it continues to charm new generations of kids.

Most notable releases include:

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